Childcare Fees


Fees are set by the Executive Parent Board of Directors and increase each January.  

Please email us at to inquire.

Childcare fees are due on the first of each month via e-transfer payments to 

In addition, we require a one time non-refundable registration fee at the time of enrollment.

Fees are paid for all days (September to June), regardless of a child attendance (e.g., illness, vacation or when CARE closes due to poor weather conditions or emergency situations) and includes P. A days, and school breaks.  Trip fees are paid separately and not included as part of your monthly fees.


Subsidized  spaces are available through City of Toronto to help support the cost of licensed childcare program like ours.  There is a waitlist, so apply as soon as possible!

As a school-age program, we do not qualify for the new Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) $10-A-Day agreement. As such, regular monthly fees apply which are set annually in January by the Board of Directors. 

2024 CARE fee memo RT signed.pdf